Transcripts for each show are available now... Click the links below if you missed a Show or want to Replay your favorite Show...

Chris Jasper Interview with Former member of the Isley Brothers and Jasper Isley Jasper Groups, Producer, Singer, Songwriter and Musician 5/4/2013 Link: live-with-chris-jasper

Latonya Holmes Interview with Singer, Songwriter, Actress and Voice Talent 5/11/2013 Link: latonya-holmes

Laura Rain Interview Singer and Songwriter 6/1/2013 Link: laura-rain

Q Rumbley Interview with Stippling Artist 6/15/2013 Link: q-rumbly-interview

Niecie Interview Producer, Singer, Songwriter and Musician 7/20/2013 Link: niecie-interview

Mahogany Marie Interview Singer, Songwriter and Actress 7/27/2013 Link: mahogany-marie-interview

Victor Orlando Interview with Grammy and NAACP Award Nominee, Percussionist, Musician, Songwriter, Singer, Music and Movie Producer, Actor, Comedian, Writer and Director 8/3/2013 Link: victor-orlando-interview

Emma S Grant Interview with Author, Independent Health Coach, Motivational Speaker, Entrepreneur and Rigestered Nurse 8/17/2013 Link: emma-grant-interview

Shaun Murphy Interview with Legendary Blues Singer and recent winner of the Female Blues Artist Of The Year and Contemporary Blues Album Of The Year at theBluesblast Music Awards in Chicago!!! Her New Album release "Cry of Love" is now available... Link: an-interview-with-the-legendary-blues-singer-shaun-murphy