I want to personally thank the audience from Hear It Now Live Radio personally and want to say without you, we wouldn't be here. I also want to thank each submission of art work for new "Logo Campaign" and want to encourage any of you out there with artistic ability to submit and idea concept in a sketch, drawing, painting, graphic design or even a photo to [email protected].
Here is the link on youTube for Episode 8... http://youtu.be/qPO-uitonAg
and the link for Episode 8 on BlogTalkRadio.com... http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hearitnowliveradio/2014/12/04/you-are-the-one-essay-contest-episode-8
Chris Jasper and myself, Ron Laus, are looking forward to your submissions.
Much Happiness and Much Love.
Here is the link on youTube for Episode 8... http://youtu.be/qPO-uitonAg
and the link for Episode 8 on BlogTalkRadio.com... http://www.blogtalkradio.com/hearitnowliveradio/2014/12/04/you-are-the-one-essay-contest-episode-8
Chris Jasper and myself, Ron Laus, are looking forward to your submissions.
Much Happiness and Much Love.