Hear It Now Live Radio Aspiring to bring you: Interviews, discussions, showcasing Artists & Performing Artists in fields like; Music: Genres to include Gospel; R&B; Soul; Gospel; Funk; Blues, Rap and more... Opera, Dance, Modeling, Photography, Film/Video, Theater, Acting, Painting, Drawing, Sculpting, Culinary Art, Clothing Design, Interior Decorating, Journalism, Novelist, Poetry, Lyric Writing, Blogging, Radio Personalities, Entrepreneurs, Sport casting/Personalities and more...
Hear what these celebrities, artists and entrepreneurs have to say about their careers, their interests, their goals and answer questions that you may have on how and where to start your career and business.
March 16th, 2014, We've successfully launched... Entertainment Enclosed Magazine. We have added pages for videos, so if you have one you would like to feature submit a request. Cruise through the site, have fun and enjoy!
Visit 'Entertainment Enclosed' @ https://www.facebook.com/laus.entertainment.enclosed?hc_location=timeline and 'Hear It Now Live' @ https://www.facebook.com/HearItNowLiveRadio?ref=stream&hc_location=timeline on Facebook by clicking the links and support the Station by liking the pages. Thank you, Ron Laus
Hear what these celebrities, artists and entrepreneurs have to say about their careers, their interests, their goals and answer questions that you may have on how and where to start your career and business.
March 16th, 2014, We've successfully launched... Entertainment Enclosed Magazine. We have added pages for videos, so if you have one you would like to feature submit a request. Cruise through the site, have fun and enjoy!
Visit 'Entertainment Enclosed' @ https://www.facebook.com/laus.entertainment.enclosed?hc_location=timeline and 'Hear It Now Live' @ https://www.facebook.com/HearItNowLiveRadio?ref=stream&hc_location=timeline on Facebook by clicking the links and support the Station by liking the pages. Thank you, Ron Laus
A new co-operative will be coming to Entertainment Enclosed as we will be welcoming and launching approved, associated and credible new business partner's products and services pages. Stay with us and we will keep you updated and informed of our progress.
Thank you for being a loyal and interactive reader and participant with Entertainment Enclosed and Hear It Now Live Radio through the years and with your continued support and suggestions we will keep striving to bring you news and entertainment, and now... Products and Services.
Thank you,
Ron Laus
A new co-operative will be coming to Entertainment Enclosed as we will be welcoming and launching approved, associated and credible new business partner's products and services pages. Stay with us and we will keep you updated and informed of our progress.
Thank you for being a loyal and interactive reader and participant with Entertainment Enclosed and Hear It Now Live Radio through the years and with your continued support and suggestions we will keep striving to bring you news and entertainment, and now... Products and Services.
Thank you,
Ron Laus
No Longer Active:
"Enter You Are "The One" Essay Contest and win a chance at a pc/laptop, autographed copy of "The One" by Chris Jasper and an appearance on Hear It Now Live Radio showcasing your winning Essay. This contest is brought to you by Entertainment Enclosed and Gold City Music."
Thank you,
Ron Laus
"Enter You Are "The One" Essay Contest and win a chance at a pc/laptop, autographed copy of "The One" by Chris Jasper and an appearance on Hear It Now Live Radio showcasing your winning Essay. This contest is brought to you by Entertainment Enclosed and Gold City Music."
Thank you,
Ron Laus
Can You Imagine This...